This fund provides ongoing support to the Highland Community Foundation.
Highland Community Foundation is an Indiana 501(c)3 public charity that solicits contributions for programs and projects that improve quality of life for Highland area residents.
Possible projects for endowment include funding for HCF’s “Highland Has Art” grant program and our ongoing efforts to support replacing diseased trees and diversifying the tree population in Highland. The ultimate distribution of grants from endowment earnings will be decided by our then current governing board.
Contributions to our fund are tax-deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. A description of our charitable activities, the IRS determination of our tax-exempt status, our most current tax return and financial statements are posted for public inspection on our website: www.highlandcommunityfoundation.org.
Legacy Foundation, Inc.
370 E. 84th Drive, Suite 100
Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Tel 219-736-1880