All gifts to this endowment fund helps sustain the future operational needs of Sojourner Truth House.
About Sojourner Truth House:
Sojourner Truth House (STH) is a ministry of hope and help for homeless and at-risk women and their children sponsored by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Through hospitality, advocacy, integrative services and collaboration, participants improve their quality of life and that of the community in a safe, trusting environment.
STH serves an average of 2,164 clients per month. Their client base includes homeless and at-risk women and their children as well as community clients. These clients receive support through three streams of service, each designed to promote self-sustainability and renewed independence.
- Clients staying in local shelters come to the day center for help obtaining benefits, referrals to community support agencies, basic skills and employment training, healthcare screenings and referrals, counseling and assistance with finding housing.
- Once they have housing, Transitional Outreach Program Participants (TOPPS) clients maintain support through therapeutic programs and ongoing case management.
- Community clients come to the food pantry for help meeting intermittent basic household needs.
Sojourner Truth House addresses these three streams of service with a holistic approach that provides help and hope for the mind, body and spirit of the women and children we serve.
Clients that come to Sojourner Truth House are not charged for services and support. Contributions are held at Legacy Foundation in two Funds; your donation to this fund will help sustain future operations.