George A. Rogge and Susan M. Rutsen Miller Beach Fund


George A. Rogge and Susan M. Rutsen Miller Beach Fund

Satisfaction in my life is being able to carry out ways for the betterment of my community. A community is my family, friends and natural environment in which I live in now and wish to shape, not only now yet in the future when I am gone. Miller Beach is that beautiful, happily diverse resort community in a declining industrial stressed city that happens to have a number of community organizations that preserve and promote the fantastic natural resources in the City. I have picked the organizations that have proven they can carry out their mission in perpetuity. They have projects that preserve local history and local dune maintenance. Most importantly, many have hands on educational programs for the next generation of children to learn how valuable their role is in this area. Hopefully, the funds will provide for these organizations for many years.

This fund provides support for charitable organizations and programs which meet the donors' philanthropic interests, including: The Society for Restoration of the Gary Bathing Beach Aquatorium & Chanutes Place in History, Shirley Heinze Land Trust Mighty Acorns Education Program, Dunes Learning Center, Miller Community Fund, and the Indiana Lincoln Highway Association.

Contributions to this fund may be made online or through check. Checks should be mailed to the Legacy Foundation: 370 E. 84th Drive, Suite 100, Merrillville, IN 46410.


Legacy Foundation, Inc.
370 E. 84th Drive, Suite 100
Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Tel 219-736-1880 

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Dennis and Amy Han Donor Advised Fund


This fund was established to support to community grant-making in Lake County, Indiana. Gifts to this fund allow Legacy Foundation’s staff and Grants Committee to evaluate aspects of community well being in areas of arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, neighborhood revitalization and more. Your gift is highly flexible and available to meet the breadth of community needs—including future needs that may not yet be imagined.


Legacy Foundation, Inc.
370 E. 84th Drive, Suite 100
Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Tel 219-736-1880 

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Dean White Charities Fund


This fund supports the Donor's charitable intentions.


Legacy Foundation, Inc.
370 E. 84th Drive, Suite 100
Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Tel 219-736-1880 

Donate Today