An Evening of Celebration
Join us for Carolyn’s final farewell celebrating her eight years as Legacy Foundation President/CEO and Legacy Foundation’s 30th Anniversary! This public celebration will bring together community members and organizations for a night of recognition, good food, and local entertainment.
Friday, August 19, 2022
Dean and Barbara White Community Center
6600 Broadway | Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Event Entertainment
Chris and Lou
Interactive Art
Artist Ish Muhammad
5:30 PM | Doors Open
6:00 PM | Welcome Reception
7:00 PM | Dinner and Program
Purchase Your Tickets Today!
Individual Ticket | $125
– Cocktail reception and dinner invitation for one individual
Table Sponsorship | $1,500
– Cocktail reception and dinner invitation for table of eight (8) guests
– Name listed in event program
– Recognition on the Legacy Foundation website
Silver Sponsorship | $5,000
– Cocktail reception and dinner invitation for table of eight (8) guests
– Company logo displayed during registration and evening reception
– Company logo displayed in event program
– Recognition on the Legacy Foundation website with a hyperlink to your website (1 year)
– Choice of two (2) Additional B.Y.O. Benefits
Gold Sponsorship | $10,000
– Cocktail reception and dinner invitation for table of eight (8) guests
– Company logo displayed during registration and evening reception
– Company logo displayed in event program
– Recognition on the Legacy Foundation website with a hyperlink to your website (1 year)
– Choice of one (1) Exclusive Benefit
– Choice of two (2) Additional B.Y.O. Benefits
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsoring Legacy Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Celebration will provide you the unique opportunity to connect with the community in Lake County and greater Northwest Indiana. Build brand awareness among the region’s most engaged residents!
Purchase your sponsorship online using the links above, or complete our Sponsorship Form to confirm your chosen sponsorship and return to Rose Cyphert, Office Manager by email, fax, or mail.
Email: rcyphert@legacyfdn.org | Fax: 219-736-1940 | Mailing Address: 370 E 84th Drive, Suite 100, Merrillville, IN 46410
Exclusive Benefits
Available on a first come, first served basis.
Exclusive Bar Sponsor with Prominent Signage
(One opportunity available)- Entertainment Sponsor with Prominent Signage
(One opportunity available) - Logo Featured on Event Photo Backdrop
Include your company logo on the photo backdrop at the event.
(One opportunity available)
Additional B.Y.O Benefits
- Social Media Takeover
Legacy Foundation will promote your business or a specific product via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts on a date you select. - Promotional Favors
Opportunity to provide a company marketing item to be included with event giveaway. - Company Advertisement Displayed on Showcase
Include a company advertisement in our event slideshow that runs throughout the evening. - Promotional Emails
Three (3) emails sent to our database will include your company name, logo, and hyperlink to website. - Company Logo Displayed on Invitation Mailing
(Must receive confirmation and logo by June 1, 2022)
Thank You To Our Event Sponsors
Frank Baccino
Burke Costanza & Carberry
Centier Bank
First Merchants Bank
Float Sixty Corporation
Gary Alumni Pathway to Students (GAPS)
Great Lakes Sports Hub
Hammond Urban Enterprise Association
Hard Rock Casino
Hilbrich Law Firm
Indiana University Northwest
Ivy Tech
Kreig DeVault
Lakeshore Public Media
Methodist Hospitals
Oak Partners Inc.
Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
Purdue University Northwest
Regional Health Systems
Chris Salatas
TrueWealth Advising Group
Urban League of Northwest Indiana